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Create Your First Project

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Lesson 10: Security

Assignment Instructions

1. Concept Selection
- As a group, choose a security concept from your zyBook you would like to illustrate in the infographic. It could be related to cybersecurity, data protection, physical security, or any other relevant topic.
2. Content Research and Outline
- Each group member should research the chosen concept and gather key points, definitions, and relevant information.
- Collaboratively create an outline of what to include in the infographic, determining the main sections and content to include.
3. Visual Elements
- Assign roles within the group for creating visual elements: graphics, icons, illustrations, etc.
- Decide on a color scheme, fonts, and overall style that aligns with the concept and enhances visual appeal.
4. Infographic Creation
- Divide the infographic into sections and assign each section to a group member.
- Using graphic design tools or software (e.g., Canva, Adobe Illustrator), create and design the sections based on the content outline.
5. Integration and Review
- Bring together the designed sections to form a cohesive infographic.
- Review the infographic as a group to ensure consistency, accuracy, and visual appeal.
6. Peer Feedback
- Share the draft infographic within your group.
- Each group member provides constructive feedback on the design, clarity, and effectiveness of visual communication.
7. Final Touches
- Incorporate any necessary revisions based on peer feedback.
- Make sure all visual elements are aligned and the infographic is ready for submission.

This week I made a Infographic with a group of 3 about Account Security specifically password protection.

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